Thursday, July 15, 2010


  Those are Louis XIV's initals, the Sun King.
The Louvre, a name so strange even the French can't figure out where it came from. If you come here and go there, you have to see the exhibit on its medieval roots. It is really fascinating, and kind of makes me wish they didn't build the Pyramids on top of it and instead just reconstructed its remains. Anyway, I went here the other day, for the first time, with about 1 million other people, all seemingly tourists. Digressing for a moment, there should be resident only days, where you have to show ID that you actually live here.
 Ingres' masterpiece, the Bather, which he put in about half a dozen paintings, not one person looked in about 10 minutes.
OK. So, art, and history. I really tried to stay away from the area where all the tourists are drawn to. Nike (the sculpture, not shoes) La Joconde, as she is known here, and instead look at the medieval art and furniture, the Napoleons' apartments (I & II) some Greek and Roman sculpture, and then to the Classical European French and Italian Galleries (with Flemish and Germanic thrown in for good measure). People are insane. They are staring at these amazing paintings and instead of going for really great work go for the size. It is kind of wild and anthropologists must love going to crowded places to see how the human animal socializes. Tons of people, all clustering, in the same areas, all looking for the Mona Lisa and missing really great stuff. 
The dude in the green shirt walking towards these stairs is about 6'2". That is big art.
 Detail of an Ingres.
 Le Petit Chaperon Rouge from 15something. I didn't know the story was that old.
Anyway, it is amazing. I think I have a feel for it, and will be going back, to see things in more detail. I just wanted to get a general overview and feeling for the building. I will come back for the art. I promise.
Worn marble stairs

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