Monday, July 26, 2010

I probably can't (shouldn't)

On the way home again...just can't wait to be on the way home again..... oop sorry Willie. Here we go. I walked home a different route than I normally do and got to see some things I normally don't. This was the long way home, by way of Rue des Pères and the hang a right on Rue de la Seine, straight until the Petit Pont onto Ile St. Louis, my hood here in the 4ème. Well on the way home first I came across
 Look at this door, it is amazing. I know, I know, they are in the process of repainting it, which by the way takes about a month, I kid you not. They sand and put coat after coat after coat of paint, until the door come out looking like glass. Quite beautiful, but I just love how there are 3 different colors of paint and the rusty red is simply perfect. I would be one of those wacko owners who come upon the painters in the midst of work and say "Stop there, leave it, don't touch a thing. Now just finish painting the scratches, with the same color they are surrounded by, and then just shellac the heck out of the whole thing. Perfect. It reminds me of Russian posters of the 19 teens and 20s, or der Stijl.
 I always get this building confused with the Monnaie, which it is not. The bridge opposite (and Metro) are called Port au Change, so it has something to do with that. The Monnaie, which is now a museum, was what we Americans would call the mint. This is more like the office of exchange (but just for cash) the Bourse is the stock exchange. I just liked how gleaming this was at 6:30 at night. And look at the sky. so so blue. The huge cumulus cloud behind the dome hung over St. Germain all day and the sun only escaped at around 5:30.

And, last but not least, I passed a Danish Modern store and this magnificent creature was just sitting there, crying out to be taken home. I bet its possibly the most uncomfortable thing on earth to sit on, and would have to be covered in cushions, but look at the lines on it. The tall arms creating a private womb, I mean room. The color is like a fine 100 year old single malt scotch, or cognac. It just wants to be loved. But, no price tag and the rule of thumb as we all know it is, "If you have to ask...."

Don't worry, I won't.                                                                   well

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