Sunday, October 3, 2010

Doozers doo

When my english friend from highschool was here, visiting from Gibraltar we found this on what I call the Petit Pont between Ile de la Cite and Ile St. Louis. He said, and it looks exactly like what the Fraggles ate which were built by the doozers, on their eponymous show. What is this thing, why is it here, and how long will it last, I began thinking aloud to the two of us. Then off the top of my head, I said, how cool would it be if they were building houses old London Bridge style. Maybe I should have said Pont Neuf style, I mean, I am in Paris after all. Oh well. London can have that I guess.

These photos were taken over several days. They are surrounded by tape which states “We love art” so I am guessing that means it is an art project of some sort. More to come later I suppose…

Last night was Nuit Blanche de Paris, which is basically a night where installation art is celebrated, and there are tons of people are out on the street till all hours of the morning and trance music is blasted. Kind of a lot of fun, but I only experienced it walking home from dinner at a tiny out of the way place, and happened to pass my Petit Pont which the had the Doozer Blocks lit up and dancing to music.

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