Friday, October 1, 2010

again I am guilty of tardiness…

Beware the Ides of the month. They steal the rest of the month away from of you. This magical castle looking thing {up} is actually the town hall or Hotel De Ville. I've taken pics of it before but it is kind of amazing at night too, and I took this picture as the light was amazing, though my phone-cam doesn't do it justice at all. I need a super spency SLR of some sort. Though that would imply that it then would include mass size and awkwardness, as well as an inability for it to be concealed within a pant pocket. Can someone event one that is may the size of a phone please. I mean geez it is 2010 already, what is the holdup?

So this is the huge spaceship arriving concealed within clouds a la Independence Day circa 1995. The previous evening (just before the skies opened up I took the above picture) there was a horrendous downpour. Like torrential cats and dog type, power car wash style rain. The patch of blue sky you see above is the only one seen all day. This is just across the pont at La Tour Eiffel. This is the third time that I have been there. It took about an hour to find a place to park my Vélib. FYI, a brilliant idea, if "they" could guarantee that there is going to be a spot to hook it back up whence you get to your destination. Once there though, you can walk under and through the tower, and pass through the gauntlet of vendors hawking tin Eiffel towers, tee shirts, glow in the dark plastic wheelies, as well as find the hidden dot turn the cup turn the cup, wait its not there sort of parlor trick for gullible tourists. Needless to say I think everyone surrounding the cardboard box tables was in on it. I am pretty sure. I should've taken a picture but they would have probably kidnapped me back to some eastern bloc country into slavery. (that stuff still happens here) ((is that culturally insensitive?))(((maybe)))((((whatever))))

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