Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One year and a day…

Please, no applause, its been a feat, but not that difficult of one. Here are some photos from the past year that haven't been posted, mostly because I started this little archive of time here after I had already been here for three months.

Its a strange place this Paris land. There are seemingly odd customs even though they we are all of the "western culture" Nothing happens here without a Bonjour, bonsoir, monsieur, madam, or a bow/nod of the head. It is quite old school in its manners.

Architecture is amazing, everything is cared for seemingly and restored with tremendous care, but it could also be because there isn't a real motivation to finish quickly either. Oh and there is also the art, which easily is fantastic! Lots of it, everywhere, of all levels, and the galleries, be they small or large, seem to be undying, plentiful, and full of daring do.

1 comment:

  1. Every time I come here I am overwhelmed by how proud of you I am for doing this huge thing of moving to another country - and how happy I am for you.

    Happy 1 year.
