Monday, October 11, 2010

Just a thought before I head out into the world

Big and scary that it is. Actually, it has been rather calm here lately, there aren't any more terror watches and the nice soldiers with machine guns have gone on to more exciting things than walks in the parks. Though, walk in the park patrol is better than other patrols I am sure. I do like it when I don't end up dead.
I was going to say, why on earth does it wait until 8:32 am to start to look like morning here? It is only October 11th; I don't understand at all. Only a month ago the sun was up at 6. Also, the garbage man was so quiet today, the bottles didn't sound like they were falling on my head. Instead they sounded like they were falling on the ground next to my head. And the construction crews that are allowed to begin at 8 am with an air compressor are not going to end up being the best of neighbors. I am almost sure of it. Ah. What is it called when it is morning gloaming? Twilight? Hmmm....

At least it was sunny and I could walk around in a tee and hoodie. Where is my Breuklen hoodie? Other?

1 comment:

  1. Getting tired of city living? Perhaps Ralph could set you up in a chateau somewhere? Fancy sports car too?
