Sunday, July 24, 2011

At the Tour de France

I  caught up with the tour as I heard all kinds of noise this morning outside of my apartment. Luckily I was close enough to make it and once at the Quai de la Tournelle I decided to have a wait (hour and a half) and see it pass by. I heard noise so far in advance because there is a strange commercial parade that passed about an hour before the riders make their way through. So weird, but hey, I guess you have to watch some sort of advertisement before anything. Someone has to pay for it...

Monday, July 11, 2011


White radishes and saucisse with parsley butter.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

How can this be? It is right in front of me so it exists? Or maybe this has something to do with French existentialism? You know, all that "it's a perception, and as I am perceiving it I am implying that it is there but I might be perceiving another reality lah dee dah

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Beneath an ocean of air

Here are some photos of the clouds. If you think about it, the do somewhat look like waves if you look up from the ocean floor.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Brilliant highway

I don't quite know what we were going underneath, but it seemed like a brilliant thing. There was a ton of traffic heading out of Versailles on the way back to Paris. We made an accidental left run and ended up in a tunnel, a very long tunnel, a very clean tunnel, and a very free of traffic tunnel. It was awesome. i can only think that there was plenty of greenery above us as it seemed a great way to reduce through traffic congestion. As we were going through there were parks above us in the breaks that they put to let air in.
Dear US, specifically NY; take note. I think there is a good idea here. They even tell you when you've reached the middle. It is kind of cool, and as you are going through because they write on the walls how much longer you're till your out, and also how far the entrance was. There's a nice thank you have a good trip when you leave.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


These guys are of the police boat, and I think they are part of the rescue crew for Police on the Seine. I see these guys all of the time and was thinking how cool it is. The guy in the lead had a single fin and was swimming mer-person style and was going much faster than the other guys with normal scuba fins on.